The Best Honda Beat icon Modifikasi
The Best Honda Beat icon Modifikasi
Although the geographic location far from the temperature modification Bengkulu two wheels, Endi not hesitate to issue a wild idea in changing the iron horse.
And to develop besutannya results, not infrequently Endi internet browsing and collect
magazine modification.
The man from the island across from Bengkulu was also issued a positive aura to the Honda Beat and dismissed if Bengkulu enliven the world can not modify the two-wheeler.
"It's 100 percent my idea. The concept of my stretcher extreme low rider," said Endi when visited detikOto in Bengkulu.
Honda BEAT 2009 initial CW output rose victim. First friendly man with a thick accent mixed Padang Palembang that maintain the body STD tiny motor.
Furthermore, the owner and even then just smear the paint modifier maroon body with the addition of add on.
And since the concept low-rider, Endi not hesitate to pull the engine mounting as much as 5 cm. "Then wear 5-inch wheels and tires front 140/60/14 rear swallow brand," said Endi.
Because a little radical, to sustain the body due to mounting retreat, Endi also add shockbreker 2 pieces built on the original Honda motorcycle that had been left position Shockbreaker single and do not change the swing arm motor. "The result was pretty good. Motor shaky when driven hard," he said.
Furthermore, to maintain the rate of applying the Endi maroon honda BEAT STD caliper which coupled with the disc HMF. While the rate on the stern Endi penghalau maximize brake congenital STD Honda Beat.
With a number of applications is certainly Endi less satisfied if the performance of the low rider is not pinned flat handlebar width and spy-style low-rider. "That is to adjust course. Lagian ngak also delicious if stangnya standard," he added.
In addition to more color impression bike, Endi immerse costum exhaust and Endi-style round lights. While the engine is incorporated in the motor which cost Rp 12 million that was retained.
"From everything I do, do not fund USD 20 million less for a single motor with one month of work," said Endi.
For entertainment I'll not get bored, Endi even transplanting a portable DVD player on the handlebar Honda BeATnya